Monday, July 28, 2008

Fun in the Sun at Negril

Fun And Relaxation

Free Weekend at Negril


The Fulbright LSCT Jamaican Team had the opportunity to relax and have fun before gettting down to business again. On Sunday, some of the team went for a glassboat ride to an island close to the Negril beach coastline.

The Fulbright LCST Jamaican Team saw many sea creatures through the glass bottom of the boat. We took pictures and videos to incorporate later in natural science lessons. One of the guides found HUGE starfish to pass around to the group.

On the island, the team was able to frolic in the pristine waters. The sandbars seemed to never end. We thought we could walk back to the mainland. We did not want the day to end.

It was paradise!!!

For lunch, we ate grilled lobster by the beach. We were joined by people from Barcelona. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end, the team were finally herded back to the boat.

But not without one more memorable moment, some in our team got to dive and swim in the Caribbean Sea!!!

Dolly Tovar

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